Service Details

System Analyst

Traverse Soft offers system analyst service to analyze and design optimized solution for your company empowered with a team of highly skilled professionals who provide customized solutions to businesses of all sizes. With a focus on customer satisfaction and a comprehensive range of services, Traverse Soft has earned its reputation as a leading provider in the industry.

Our expertise in areas such as system analysis and design, software development, database management, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and IT consulting make them an ideal partner for businesses looking to enhance their IT capabilities and drive growth and success.


Traverse Soft's consultation service for your company's IT needs is like having a skilled navigator who helps guide your business through the rapidly changing technology landscape, ensuring smooth sailing towards your goals.

We offer world class IT consultation and system analyst service for your business

System Development

Are you looking for a reliable and professional partner to help you with your system development needs? Whether you need a new website, a mobile app, a software solution or anything else related to system development, Traverse Soft is the company for you. Traverse Soft is offering system development services that are tailored to your specific requirements and budget. We have a team of experienced and skilled developers who can deliver high-quality results on time and within your expectations. We also provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your system runs smoothly and securely. Contact us today and get a free quote for your project. Traverse Soft is the system development partner you can trust.

We know that every business is unique, so we strive to deliver an individual, innovative, and affordable solution for your business, following through with an outstanding delivery that is both on time and within budget.


Traverse Soft is using various technologies for backend and frontend development. We choose appropriate technology in accordance with your business type. With a strong focus on data integrity and security, we ensure that your systems are not only powerful and efficient but also reliable and safe from any potential threats.

Backend: Native PHP, Laravel, Code Igniter, Golang, Node-js
Database: MySQL, MariaDB, NoSQL, PostgreSQL
Frontend: HTML 5, JQuery, Ionic, React-js

Mobile Application Development

Are you looking for a reliable and experienced partner to create a stunning mobile application for your business? If so, you should consider Traverse Soft, a leading company in mobile application development services. Traverse Soft has a team of skilled and creative developers who can design and build custom mobile apps for any platform, including iOS, Android, Windows and more.

Whether you need a simple app to showcase your products or services, or a complex app with advanced features and functionalities, Traverse Soft can deliver it on time and on budget. Traverse Soft can also help you with app maintenance, testing, optimization and marketing, ensuring that your app reaches your target audience and achieves your business goals.

Contact Traverse Soft today and get a free quote for your mobile application development project.


Traverse Soft is using various technologies for mobile application development. We choose appropriate technology in accordance with your business type.

We can build Android and iOS Applications

Infrastructure and Cloud Service

Are you looking for a reliable and affordable cloud solution for your business? Do you want to take advantage of the power and flexibility of Amazon Web Services (AWS), but don't have the time or expertise to set it up and maintain it? If so, you need Traverse Soft.

Traverse Soft is a leading cloud service provider that offers complete cloud setup and maintenance services using AWS. We can help you design, deploy, and manage your cloud infrastructure, whether you need a simple web hosting, a complex e-commerce platform, or anything in between. We have a team of certified AWS experts who can handle any challenge and ensure your cloud environment is secure, scalable, and cost-effective.

With Traverse Soft, you can focus on your core business while we take care of your cloud needs. You can enjoy the benefits of AWS without the hassle of managing it yourself. You can also save money by paying only for what you use and avoiding upfront costs. And you can rest assured that your data and applications are always available and protected by AWS's global network.

Don't let your cloud project get delayed or derailed by technical issues. Let Traverse Soft handle it for you. Contact us today for a free consultation and quote. We are ready to help you achieve your cloud goals with AWS.


Backed with Amazon Web Server specialist, we offer highest standard in setup and maintenance of AWS services. Whether you need to migrate your existing infrastructure, optimize your performance, or scale your business, we have the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals.

We are familiar with vast array of various AWS services, such as VPC, EC2, RDS, S3, Lambda, Cognito, etc

Direct Selling / Multi Level Marketing Design

Traverse Soft is a leading IT developer with more than 20 years of experience in the MLM industry. We specialize in marketing plan development, support system integration, big data analysis, and customized IoT tech. We have worked with some of the most successful MLM companies in the world and helped them optimize their performance and profitability.

We specialize in providing MLM solutions for various industries and niches. Whether you are selling health products, beauty products, digital products, or anything else, Traverse Soft can help you design and develop a customized MLM system that suits your needs and goals.

Traverse Soft can help you with

  • MLM Core Software Development
    Traverse Soft can create a user-friendly and secure MLM software that allows you to manage your network, track your sales, commissions, inventory, and more. You can choose from different MLM plans, such as binary, matrix, unilevel, board, stair-step, etc., or create your own unique plan.
  • MLM Website Development
    Traverse Soft can design and build a professional and attractive MLM website that showcases your products and services, attracts new customers and distributors, and generates leads and conversions. You can also integrate your MLM software with your website for seamless operation.
  • Mobile App Development
    Traverse Soft can develop a mobile app for your MLM business that enables you to access your MLM software from anywhere, anytime. You can also use the app to communicate with your network, promote your products and services, and provide customer support.
  • MLM System Consultation
    Traverse Soft can also provide you with expert advice and guidance on how to run and grow your MLM business. You can learn from their experience and expertise on how to optimize your MLM system, recruit and train your distributors, market your products and services, comply with legal regulations, and more.

By choosing Traverse Soft, you will benefit from

  • High-quality service
    Traverse Soft has a team of skilled and experienced developers, designers, consultants, and support staff who are committed to delivering the best MLM solutions for your business. They use the latest technologies and tools to ensure quality and efficiency.
  • Affordable price
    Traverse Soft offers competitive and transparent pricing for their MLM solutions. You can choose from different packages or request a custom quote based on your specific requirements. You will also get free updates and maintenance for your MLM system.
  • Customer satisfaction
    Traverse Soft values customer satisfaction above all else. They will work closely with you to understand your needs and expectations and provide you with a tailored solution that meets or exceeds them. They will also provide you with 24/7 support and assistance whenever you need it.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level with Traverse Soft's MLM solutions, contact us today for a free consultation and demo. You will be amazed by what we can do for you.

Traverse Soft boasts the ability to accurately calculate MLM bonus for millions of members in very short time. No matter how complex or large your compensation plan is, Traverse Soft can handle it with ease and efficiency.

Support System Design

Are you looking for a way to grow your MLM company and achieve your goals? If so, you need a reliable and effective support system that can help you and your team members succeed in this competitive industry. That's why Traverse Soft, together with national level workforce trainer and public speaking trainer, offers designing, developing, and maintaining support system for your MLM company.

Traverse Soft is a leading software company that specializes in creating customized solutions for MLM businesses. Whether you need a website, an app, a CRM, or a marketing platform, Traverse Soft can deliver it for you. We have years of experience and expertise in the MLM industry, and they know what works and what doesn't.

Traverse Soft is not just a software provider. We also partner with national level workforce trainer and public speaking trainer, who can help you and your team members develop the skills and confidence you need to sell more products and recruit more people. We offer online and offline training programs, coaching sessions, motivational seminars, and more. We will teach you how to communicate effectively, overcome objections, handle rejections, close deals, and build relationships.

With Traverse Soft and national level workforce trainer and public speaking trainer, you will have a powerful support system that will guide you every step of the way. You will be able to access the latest tools and techniques to grow your MLM business and achieve your dreams. You will also be part of a community of like-minded people who share your vision and passion.

Don't miss this opportunity to take your MLM company to the next level. Contact Traverse Soft today and find out how We can help you design, develop, and maintain support system for members in your MLM company.

The Trainer

Our team collaborates with the national trainer Mr. M. Albert Gunawan in developing support system. He is a student of several renowned and famous trainers.

  • List of his teacher
    Andrie Wongso
    Hermawan Kertajaya
    Rhenald Kasali
    James Gwee
    Tung Desem Waringin
    Paulus Bambang WS
  • His position up to now
    Owner & Director of MIND ACTION Coaching & Consulting since 2003.
    Direksi Life Transformation Institute (PT. Logos Transformasi Indonesia) since 2012
    Commissioner of PT. TERAPI AIR SEHAT since 2021
    Development Yayasan Insan Hati Selaras
    BPPO Ikatan Alumni TOP - St. Aloysius Bandung (+ 70 angkatan)
  • List of his clients
    PT. Ragam Purna Sejahtera
    PT. Savero Badam Pertiwi
    PT. Winalite Indonesia
    PT. Prima Vista
    PT. GJP Supplier
    HP Asia Pacific – Singapore
    PT. Advess IT, PT. ABE, PT. HIM
    PT. Ragam Purna Sejahtera (Spare Parts Automobile) – Bandung
    PT. Catur Putra Prima (Discount Card Organizer) – Bandung
    PT. Gudang Garam (Medan Branch)
    PT. MQ Tours & Travel, Bandung – Jakarta
    Education & Training Centre MQ, Bandung - Jakarta
    PT. Garuda Mas Semesta (Textile Industry) – Bandung
    PT. Matahari Terbit (Gold Industry) – Bandung & Jakarta
    Success University Community - Bandung
    Some Group Leader of Network Marketing Company; as: Sun Hope, Tianshi Int’l, UFO, SNE Int’l, Klink Indonesia, Love Moon Ind, KK, Indonesia, Riway Int’l, Naturally Plus Int’l, Moment, ABE, AFC, etc.
    PT. Royal Abadi Sejahtera (Spring Bed Manufacture) - Bandung
    Sinar Bunga Hati (National Plus School) – Bandung
    PT. Pillar (Lift & Escalator Manufature & Maintenance) - Bandung
    Dare for Youth Community for Facilitators & Trainers
    Smart Parenting Program in Public and School
    Temasek International School – Bandung
    Maranatha Christian University for New Mentoring 2014 – 2015
    Some Insurance Agency, as: Prudential Bdg & Jkt, Allianz, Manulife
    HP Singapore in 5 Cities in Indonesia
    Parahyangan Catholic University for Architech & Civil Engineering
    Lecturers and Students 2014 – 2015, etc.
    PT. MOMENT 2018, PT. ABE 2019, PT. HIM 2020, etc.
    ARCADE Design Architect & Design Interior Company 2021
    Sanggar XXI, CBN Institution, LARIS Property, RS. Bungsu Bandung
    PT. KIM Group Holding 2021